Do you want to know how to make money online as a beginner? You’re searching the internet and looking for ways to make money online and the whole thing sounds new to you.

I was once in your position and wondered how everyone was making money on the internet except me. But the goodnews is that after I implemented what I am about to share with you in this blog post, I started making money online as a beginner while still working my day job, being a mom and all those stuffs.

So if I can make money online, you also can if you put in the necessary work, be patient and you will see the results.

Times have changed and it’s not new again that you can make money online even as a beginner.

Today I want to cut through the noise on the inter web and show beginners like you how to make money online as a beginner.

It’s possible because this is the same way I made my first $300 online.

I don’t want you to get lost reading 10 to 20 blog post looking for how to make money online and then wondering why you’re not making money online and worst you begin to doubt if it’s possible to make money online.

Making money online is real and legitimate too.

If you’re looking for different ways to make money online, then you can read this blog 10 online business you can start today.

But if you’re a minimalist and like to focus on one thing and get result then this post is for you.


The first step On How To Make Money Online As A Beginner

Make money online

For any new entrepreneur just starting out, I would recommend starting with an online service-based business. This simply means that you work one-on-one with clients and offer services such as:

  • Virtual Assistance
  • Graphic Design
  • Copy writing
  • Coaching
  • Pinterest Virtual assistance
  • Web design
  • Social media management

or any skill that you have.

Reasons why you should start with offering your services in exchange for money

  • The start up cost are super low
  • You don’t need to learn a new skill to make money
  • You only need a small number of paying clients
  • You spend the time building your platform and your audience

I know it can be tempting for you to do so many things right away, but take this advice from someone who have been there and have gone through the robes, you will not make much progress and might not make any money online.

But when you start with a 1:1 service, you’ll also get valuable feedback from your clients, become an expert in your industry, and start to see where the opportunities are.

And once you’re confident in your expertise and you’ve established your audience, then you can add more ways to make money online like:

  • Online courses which of course requires time and money
  • Memberships takes more time and money
  • Group Programs etc

Let me show you the right steps to take on how to make money online as a beginner.

how to make money online as a beginner

5 Steps of How to make money online as a beginner

1. Create A Website.

It’s so much easier this days to create a website. But if you need a step by step guide on how to create a website for your business, follow the steps in this blog post.

But as a quick one, you simply need just 3 tools to create a website

  • A domain name
  • A Web host
  • A Theme

And with bluehost, you get a free domain name for your first year, and you can purchase hosting for 3 years which will cost you a $100. Now tell me is there any brick and wall business you can start with just a $100?

Once you purchase your hosting from bluehost, and install wordpress, then install the Astra theme, which is one of the fastest theme and already have more than a million downloads.

2. Get Your First Client

This is the most important step to making money online as a beginner. And from my experience is more simple than you think.

More often than not we try to complicate what is already easy.

To find your first client, I will say tell your friends and family members that you have just started your business and will be available to work with them. Then to show that you are serious, show them your website.

This was the exact step I took in landing my first client. It looks simple but it works and you can take it from me.

That is why the very first step I outlined is for you to create a website because a website shows that you’re professional and that you mean business.

I don’t think I can over emphasize the need why you need a website as a service based person. But here are 5 reasons why you need a website today just in case you need more convincing reasons.

When you tell your friends and family, they can spread the word and I tell you, you will be working with your first client sooner than you expect it.

Another way you can get your first client is to join facebook groups or look for places where your ideal client always hang out, if it’s a forum, join the forum and offer meaning tips as per your niche.

In essence leave helpful comments in groups where you know your ideal clients are.

If it is websites, visit such websites and leave comments there too, but remember to sign in to your gravatar so that when someone clicks on your profile it should direct them to your website.

how to make money online as a beginner

3. Create Content

After creating a website for your virtual assistant business, and you’re waiting to land your first client or have landed your first client, whatever the case, start creating relevant content to your niche.

Creating content, establishes you as an authority and will make even your potential client to find you when they come across your article or blog post.

The kind of content you can create is not limited to just written content, you can create videos as well and publish them on your site. Some of your clients will find you through your content.

And when you create content, it’s a win win for you, as content gives you more opportunities to make more money from your website.

So start creating those juice content and answer questions that your potential clients are asking.

4. Share Your Content

One of the first things I learnt early on as an online business owner is that after creating content, you must share your content out there. And now thanks to social media platforms like pinterest, twitter, facebook which have made sharing of content very much easy.

But as a beginner, it will be too much starting with all the popular social media platforms, rather I will say choose two and focus on them. I mostly recommend Pinterest and Facebook. These two have worked for me and for many other successful online entrepreneurs out there as well.

For pinterest, you will need to create a pinterest business account so that you can get all the benefits and drive massive traffic to your website.

Learn how to create a pinterest business account for your website following the steps in this guide.

5. Be Consistent

As a new online business owner, you must have read all the success stories of other entrepreneurs and how they make 6 figures from their website and blogs.

But the main key to make money online is consistency.

I was able to make money from my website four months after I started my online business because I was consistent. My friends were referring me to their friends because I was talking about my business on my social media accounts.

So to make money in your first few months as a beginner, you need to be consistent in sharing content on your website.

Yes, I wrote this blog post with every beginner who want to make money online and I’d want you to succeed.

I will like to hear from you though, what have been your biggest challenge with making money online?

Is it lack of ideas, no time to implement, let me hear what your challenge have really been and hopefully I can offer more tips to help you make money online today.