Let me teach you how to start an online business while working full time
Traditionally we all start off working a full-time 9 – 5 job, but along the line, you start having this unending nudge to start an online business for yourself while still working full time so that you can transition into being your own boss and impact lives.
This is currently my reality and I made the decision to start my own online business while working full time, I am excited I am able to pull this off, and I will show you exactly how I was able to do so.
I will give you the roadmap I followed to start my own online business while working full time. So that by the time you finish reading this guide, you will have a step by step guide to follow and also profitable online business ideas you can choose from.
So if you’re wondering if it’s possible for you to start an online business while working full time, I will tell you without any doubt that it is completely possible. And that you will crush this same goal like you are crushing your full time job.

So let’s get started.
5 Steps On How To Start An Online Business While Working Full Time
1. Pick a Profitable Business Idea
Every business you see today started with an idea. I personally like to write down my ideas because writing them down, helps me to implement them eventually. Most times you get a business idea at the most random times. Either in the shower, when you’re commuting to work, reading a book, a blog post like this one, an idea can come.
Personally what I do is to write it down on my phone immediately. I use the Samsung Notes app on my phone, and then later I refer to it.
But if you need help picking a profitable online business ideas, then I’ve got you covered with these 10 online business you can start quickly.
2. Create Time to Set Up Your Business
Of what use will an idea be to you if you do not implement it. Remember the goal here is to start an online business while working full time.
For me this step is one of the most crucial in starting your online business while working full time.
You should create the time to set up your business.
Now the time you will need to set up your business will depend totally on the type of business you have decided to start while working full time.
Some businesses require time more than the other.
So let’s say you choose to start an online boutique store, you need to create time to set up your boutique business, and you have to consider factors such as:
- The best platform to build your online boutique store. Either WordPress or an Ecommerce platform
- Where to source for cloths
- The type of cloths you will want to sell
- Do you need to hire an assistant
- The cost of building an online shop
- The cost of a physical shop
So in general I will say don’t rush this process. because once you get this step correctly, your business will definitely run efficiently.
3. Create A Website
Once you have picked a profitable online business idea that you can start while working full time. Another crucial step you need to take is to create a website for your online business.
I feel this is a no brainier because for your business to get a presence online, you need to bring it online and the surest and safest way to do that is to create a website for your business.
I see alot of people who have great ideas and instead of creating a website for their business, they create an Instagram account and a Facebook Page only.
I always tell my clients, don’t build your business on another man’s land. Every other social media account is owned by someone except your website. Even if you decide to create a youtube channel, ideally you should create a website for your business.
Your website is solely owned by you and you decide what to do on your website.
Algorithm will not affect your website. And if you create your website and do your search engine optimization well, your clients will find you even on Google, such that you don’t run out of clients and sales.
I know it can be overwhelming creating a website from scratch especially if you’re a beginner and don’t know what you don’t know. I created this Ebook for you, so that you can easily create your website even if you have no knowledge of what to do as beginner.
This Ebook is the handy tool that you need as you build your website from scratch to finish

4.Promote Your Business
Right now you’re the only one that knows about your business. If you don’t talk about it, no one will know that your business exists.
Even if you have the best business idea and can serve a group of people, until you talk about it, your ideal client will not know about you.
You should start promoting your business on your current social media accounts, be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.
And once you create your website, you add the link to all your social media accounts profile.
With your website, your business promotes itself on auto pilot.
You can also run Facebooks Ads after creating your website so that you can reach your ideal clients. I said Facebook ads because with facebook, you reach a wider audience. And I tell you, your ideal client are on facebook. Don’t forget to create a facebook page as well.
In Summary
Starting an online business while working full time is very much achievable if you apply these steps I just outlined above.
Like every new business venture, you have to give your business to grow and with time you can also scale your business.
Don’t be afraid of starting, many successful business you see today, started with an idea, implementation and hard work.
Be committed to starting and growing your business, and you will definitely see it flourish
So tell me are you currently working full time and looking to start an online business, what online business idea do you want to start and where are you having any challenge? I will like to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

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