Do you want to know how to make money on pinterest?
Or you’re wondering can you make money on pinterest…
Today, I want to show you how to make extra money fast on pinterest. Making money online can be challenging if you don’t know what to do.
But you can make money fast using pinterest. And you can do that with or without a blog.
I will tell you how to:
- How much you can be earning from pinterest
- What you need to do before you can make money on pinterest
How To Make Money On Pinterest Fast – How much you can make…
Before I go into telling you how to make money on pinterest, let me tell you how much you can make from pinterst.
Here’s the truth, there’s no limit to how much you can make from pinterest
Your earning potential on pinteret is limitless.
But if you’re looking for an inspiration, here’s Dale from blogging her way, she currently makes $500 pinning on pinterest.

And the fun part is that you don’t need a blog to do make money on pinterest.
And to make your journey much easier, she created an ebook get paid to pin.
This is just an example, and you can absolutely make more than that on pinterest without a blog.
What You Need To Do Before You Make Money On Pinterest
Now that you know that you can make money on pinterest, I know that you will like to start immediately, but here’s one more thing, you need to understand what you need to do first before you start making money on pinterest.
Because you will not be able to make much money if you don’t reach more people on pinterest.
However, I have outlined the steps you need to take to set up your pinterest account properly so that you can reach more people and make more money on pinterest as well.
Here’s a detailed post to help you set up your pinterest account properly.

How To Make Money On Pinterst – The Different Methods
Once you know how to use pinterest, you can start making money on it.
And what’s the secret to making money on pinterest?
Affiliate marketing.
Not sure what affiliate marketing is?
Here’s how affiliate marketing works
- You find a product you will like to promote
- You join the affiliate program for this product
- A unique affiliate link is given to you
- You share your unique affiliate like on pinterest
- Someone purchases the product with your link
- You earn a commission, that is you earn money from the sale.
Affiliate marketing helps both you and the person that created or owns the product to earn money.
You get paid for helping them get customers.
Affiliate marketing is easy because there’s less work involved.
It’s simple, you promote your link, someone sees your link, clicks on it, buys the product and you get paid.
Now, you see why it is important that more people are seeing your pins on pinterst, because the more people see your pin, the more money you make.
If you need help on how to get your pins seen by more people, check out how to set up your pinterest business account properly
8 Ways To Make Money On Pinterest Fast
1. How To Make Money On Pinterest -Link To A Product
This method does not require you to have a blog.
You simply upload a pin and have it linked to a product that you are promoting using the affiliate link.
Then when someone purchases through that link, you make money.
Of course there’s more to it, and that is why I recommend investing in a course that teaches how to make money on pinterest with affiliate links.
If you are looking for to make money on pinterest with affiliate links, with or without a blog and you’re on a budget, I recommend Get Paid To Pin ebook.
You will learn Dale’s exact strategy for making $500+ monthly on pinterest through affiliate sales.
2. How To Make Money On Pinterest – Link To A Blog Post That Has An Affiliate Link
This method can be more effective but takes more time.
Because sometimes people will want to know more about a product before they buy it.
And writing a blog post about a product, establishes trust with the reader and makes them more willing to buy.
And a blog post is the perfect way to convince them.
So if you are here and want to learn how to start a blog, check out my guide on how to start a blog.
But if you’re not techie enough and you want to own a blog of your own, but don’t know how to set it up properly, you can check out my blog set up service here too. You will have a fully functional blog of your own.
3. Link To Your Products On Etsy and Ebay.
Another cool way to make money on Pinterest, is to link to your own products on Esty or Ebay.
You can easily design pins on canva of your products and pin them on pinterest and link the pins to market places such as Ebay or Etsy.
The beauty of using this method is that you don’t need to have a website to start making money online.
4. How To Make Money On Pinterest – Link To Your Shop Page On Your Website
When it comes to making money on pinterest, you simply need to design eye catching images that will get viewers clicking through to get details of the message on the pin.
So if you have a website and you already have your products, you can start making money on pinterest by linking directly to your website shop page.
This method to me is double win. Because you’re also driving traffic to your site whilst making money selling your own products.
With Pinterest, you get free traffic.
So if you’re a new blogger, pinterest is one of the good source of traffic you should start with even from your first blog post.
5. How To Make Money On Pinterest – Link To A Course

Linking directly to a course you know will serve your audience or pinners is another cool way to make money on pinterest.
But before doing that make sure you’re an affiliate for that course and use your affiliate link on your pinterest description.
For example:
- I can say “Learn how to become a Virtual Assistant in 30 Days or Less
- Become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant and make $2000 monthly
Now when I share pins like the example above, people who are interested in becoming virtual assistants, will actually click on it and get details and very likely buy the course and then I earn a commission as an affiliate.
Now to get the best out of this kind of pins. It’s best you write a good blog post that explains the course in details that is convincing enough.
So instead of linking directly to the course, you link to the blog post where you have discussed the course in detail. This way your pins will perform better and you will have better chance of making money.
6. How To Make Money On Pinterest – Link To Your Own Course
So I said earlier that you can link to courses you know will benefit pinners on pinterest.
You can also create pinterest pins and link to your own course.
So if you have a course, you can constantly promote them on Pinterest and make money selling your course.
If you’re wondering how to make pins for pinterest, I personally use canva and I love it. You can sign up on There’s both free and paid plan.

7. How To Make Money On Pinterest – Link To Your Service Page
When it comes to making money online fast. There are two ways you can make money online fast and they are:
- Affiliate marketing
- Offering a done for you service
So if you offer services on your website, first you need to have a service page on your website that describes what you do including how much you charge.
In a nutshell let your service page answer most of the questions your ideal client is looking for before hiring you.
Now pinterest is one of the places where most of your audience are already hanging out.
So to leverage the audience on pinterest, you can create pins describing your service and link directly to your service page.
When you do this, you open up your services to more people and that means more money for you.
So if you have a service page on your website and you are wondering how to get your first client and many more. Here’s the secret today.
Create gorgeous pins and link directly to your service page.
Use Paid Advertisements On Your Blog
Pinterest is really a gold mine, if you use it effectively.
Another cool way to make money using pinterest is by driving massive traffic to your website or blog.
If you blog generates a good amount of traffic and your pageviews are good, you can monetize your site by placing ads on your blog.
Now the trick to driving massive traffic to your site using pinterest is create eye catching pins that get’s viewers clicking through to your site.
Quick Recap of How To Make Money On Pinterest
So let’s recap how to make money on pinterest fast
- Learn how to set up your pinterest business account properly so that you can drive massive traffic to your site and make money fast
- Make money through affiliate marketing. You can promote a product, a course or a product
- You can make money on pinterest by promoting your own products, course, and service.
- You can use pinterest to drive traffic to your website and make money through advertisements, or growing your email list.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post, and that you now understand the different ways to to make money on pinterest fast.
If this post has helped you, please share it.

These are all great ideas, and they do work if you do them right and have an engaged following!
Sure, Sarah. Making money online have become easier these days if you put in the work and lay a good foundation