How to create content for your website

This is a continuation of my five part series on how to create a website. So right after creating your website and you’re bubbling with excitement because finally you have a home on the interwebs, congratulations. It’s worth celebrating and I can absolutely feel your excitement.

So next up after creating a website and starting an email list for your website, you should learn how to create content for your website as soon as possible.

But to effectively create quality content for your website, you need to first choose a niche.


How To Choose A Niche

I know you hear often that the riches in the niches, and that’s absolutely right. Your goal is to be the goal getter for that particular topic. And you can only do that when you choose and focus on a particular niche.

Choose a niche that you enjoy and provide helpful topics to your audience, demonstrate your expertise and build trust, this is so that when people need help with that particular topic, they will buy from you.

Niche Down

Alot of beginners are always tempted to create content on a wide range of topics. Trust me you will get frustrated along the way. It’s best you niche down and focus on one or two topics first then gradually you can add more topics as your blog grows.

To niche down, make a list of large niches that you like, then choose two to three topics in that niche and start creating content about those topics.

Example of niche sites are:

For more clarity, you can grab this list of 150 profitable niches, pick a niche from the list and start your own blog today.

With the list you be able to know how to create content for your blog with ease without getting frustrated.

How To Discover Your Niche

To discover your niche, you can answer these questions below.

  • What do I enjoy doing?
  • What do I research about quite often
  • What do I help other people do effortlessly
  • What can you easily teach even without much preparation.
create content for website

Now there are 2 main types of content that you can create for your blog.

2 Types of Content You Can Create For Your Blog Are:

  • Written
  • Video

When it comes to how to create content for your blog, you can create either written or video content and publish them regularly on your blog.

Written content are simply blog posts like the one you’re currently reading

Video content are visuals like youtube content. You can publish your videos both on your blog and on your YouTube Channel as well.

So my advice is to pick the one you’re comfortable with and start. If you enjoy crafting quality blog posts, start writing and publishing blog posts for your blog. And if you enjoy creating fun, educative and interesting video content, then start creating and publishing video content on your blog.

Regardless of the type of content you want to create for your blog, create a website. This is because you need an online home that is yours and that you can control as well.

Write Your First Blog Post

Write your first blog post.

Your blog post can be written articles, recorded videos or podcasts.

To create a new page in your WordPress Dashboard, go to Pages > New Page. Type in your page title, hit enter and start writing. Use blocks to add Images, Videos and more.

Once you’re done, preview and hit the publish button.

Not sure what to write? Watch this video on how to write the perfect blog post in one hour.

Where to find images for your blog posts. Click this link and get premium images for your blog posts

How To Add Link Within A Page

One of the things you will be doing often is linking within a page. Linking within a page is called anchor links. And if you don’t know how to do that, watch this tutorial on how to create anchor links in WordPress.

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